1. Lopsided (Adjective) : असंतुलित: with one side bigger, higher, etc. than the other; not equally balanced
Synonyms: tilted, uneven, oblique, askew, slanted
Antonyms: straight, regular, level, uniform, even
Example Sentence: Not realizing the table was lopsided, the patron placed his drink on it and water went everywhere.
2. Vandalism (Noun): the crime of intentionally damaging property belonging to other people
Synonyms: destruction, defacement, desecration, sabotage
Antonyms: protection, conservation, preservation
Example Sentence: Beset by drug problems, violence, and vandalism, this is one of the most unpleasant areas in the city.
3. Smidgen (Noun) : थोड़ा: a small amount of something.
Synonyms: ace, bit, driblet, little
Antonyms: abundance, barrel, boatload
Example Sentence: The amount of sand I can hold in my hand is a smidgen compared to all the sand on the beach.
Synonyms: scoundrel, wretch, serpent
Example Sentence: He was a double-crossing weasel.
5. Wash one's hands of (Idiom): To absolve oneself of or distance oneself from responsibility for something.
Synonyms: deny, shirk, neglect, disclaim, disavow, abdicate
Example Sentence: I don't want to be part of this scheme anymore. I wash my hands of it.
6. Grouse (Verb) : बडबड़ाऩा: complain pettily; grumble
Synonyms: grumble, complain, moan
Antonyms: commendation, compliment, plaudit
Example Sentence: She heard him grousing about his assistant.
7. Littorals (Noun): समुद्र तट: a region lying along a shore
Synonyms: coastlands, seaside, banks
Example Sentence: With water pollution on the rise, new training on clean-up measures were introduced to littoral areas in hopes that improvements would be made.
Synonyms: inconsistency, difference, disparity
Antonyms: similarity, resemblance, analogy
Example Sentence: I was forced to fire my accountant after he could not explain the discrepancy in my bank account
9. Piffle (Noun): language, behavior, or ideas that are absurd and contrary to good sense
Synonyms: nonsense, blather, claptrap
Antonyms: sense, discernment, reasonable
Example Sentence: Joe really does talk a lot of piffle sometimes.
10. Equanimity (Noun): mental calmness, composure, and evenness of temper, especially in a difficult situation.
Synonyms: composure, calmness, serenity
Antonyms: agitation, perturbation, anxiety
Example Sentence: Even though the fire alarm has sounded, we must maintain equanimity and calmly exit the building.
Synonyms: tilted, uneven, oblique, askew, slanted
Antonyms: straight, regular, level, uniform, even
Example Sentence: Not realizing the table was lopsided, the patron placed his drink on it and water went everywhere.
2. Vandalism (Noun): the crime of intentionally damaging property belonging to other people
Synonyms: destruction, defacement, desecration, sabotage
Antonyms: protection, conservation, preservation
Example Sentence: Beset by drug problems, violence, and vandalism, this is one of the most unpleasant areas in the city.
3. Smidgen (Noun) : थोड़ा: a small amount of something.
Synonyms: ace, bit, driblet, little
Antonyms: abundance, barrel, boatload
Example Sentence: The amount of sand I can hold in my hand is a smidgen compared to all the sand on the beach.
4. Weasel (Adjective) : चालक आदमी: a deceitful or treacherous person
Synonyms: scoundrel, wretch, serpent
Example Sentence: He was a double-crossing weasel.
5. Wash one's hands of (Idiom): To absolve oneself of or distance oneself from responsibility for something.
Synonyms: deny, shirk, neglect, disclaim, disavow, abdicate
Example Sentence: I don't want to be part of this scheme anymore. I wash my hands of it.
6. Grouse (Verb) : बडबड़ाऩा: complain pettily; grumble
Synonyms: grumble, complain, moan
Antonyms: commendation, compliment, plaudit
Example Sentence: She heard him grousing about his assistant.
7. Littorals (Noun): समुद्र तट: a region lying along a shore
Synonyms: coastlands, seaside, banks
Example Sentence: With water pollution on the rise, new training on clean-up measures were introduced to littoral areas in hopes that improvements would be made.
8. Discrepancies (Noun): विसंगतियां: a lack of compatibility or similarity between two or more facts.
Synonyms: inconsistency, difference, disparity
Antonyms: similarity, resemblance, analogy
Example Sentence: I was forced to fire my accountant after he could not explain the discrepancy in my bank account
9. Piffle (Noun): language, behavior, or ideas that are absurd and contrary to good sense
Synonyms: nonsense, blather, claptrap
Antonyms: sense, discernment, reasonable
Example Sentence: Joe really does talk a lot of piffle sometimes.
10. Equanimity (Noun): mental calmness, composure, and evenness of temper, especially in a difficult situation.
Synonyms: composure, calmness, serenity
Antonyms: agitation, perturbation, anxiety
Example Sentence: Even though the fire alarm has sounded, we must maintain equanimity and calmly exit the building.
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