The Hindu Vocabulary For All Competitive Exams | 08-02-2023
the hindu editorial vocabulary , The Hindu Vocab , the hindu vocabulary pdf , Vocabulary for Govt Exams
1. Tweak (Verb): to change something slightly, especially in order to make it more correct, effective, or suitable; twist or pull (something) sharply
Synonyms: pinch, twist, adjustment, correction, modification
Example Sentence: 1. He gave the boy's ear a painful tweak. 2. Maybe you should tweak a few sentences before you send in the report.
2. Insurmountable (Adjective) : दुर्गम: (a problem or a difficulty) so great that it cannot be dealt with successfully
Synonyms: unconquerable, invincible, indomitable, unbeatable
Antonyms: surmountable, superable, vincible, vulnerable, attainable
Example Sentence:Luckily, when a math problem seems insurmountable, I can call my brother Billy to help.
3. Coercion (Noun) : ज़ोर-ज़बरदस्ती: the practice of persuading someone to do something by using force or threats
Synonyms: pressure, compulsion, intimidation, violence
Antonyms: consent, agreement, approval
Example Sentence: He claimed the police had used coercion, threats, and promises to obtain the statement illegally.
4. Intrusion (Noun) : घुसपैठ : an occasion when someone goes into a place or situation where they are not wanted or expected to be
Synonyms: incursion, invasion
Antonyms: withdrawal, retreat, surrender
Example Sentence: Because it was considered an intrusion of privacy, the hotel owner was arrested for setting up cameras in the rooms.
5. Espionage (Noun) : गुप्तचर रखना / जासूसी : the practice of spying or of using spies, typically by governments to obtain political and military information
Synonyms: spying, surveillance, reconnaissance,
Example Sentence: Tom Clancy is an American writer focusing on espionage and military science.
6. Corpus (Noun) : समूह : a collection of written texts, especially the entire works of a particular author or a body of writing on a particular subject.
Synonyms: collection, compilation, entity
Example Sentence: I’ve got the corpus of Shakespeare’s works.
7. Kudos (Noun) : प्रशंसा: praise and honor received for an achievement
Synonyms: prestige, cachet, glory
Antonyms: criticize, reprimand
Example Sentence: He received kudos from everyone for his performance.
8. Brevity (Noun) : संक्षिप्तता : concise and exact use of words in writing or speech.
Synonyms: conciseness, concision, succinctness
Antonyms: lengthiness, extensiveness, extending
Example Sentence: His essays are models of clarity and brevity.
9. Quaint (Adjective) : विचित्र: different from the ordinary in a way that causes curiosity or suspicion
Synonyms: bizarre, strange, weird
Antonyms: normal, ordinary
Example Sentence: Attractions include scenic journeys by boat and an eight-mile steam railway as well as quaint shops and restaurants.
10. Heft (Adjective) : बलवान : large, heavy, and powerful
Synonyms: burly, heavy, sturdy
Antonyms: weakness, helplessness, impotence
Example Sentence: Some synthetic fabrics are nice and warm, but I prefer wool because it has more heft.
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