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The Vocab Master For All Competitive Exams | 31-01-2025

Swati Mahendra's


1. Clout (Noun) : घूँसा/ प्रभाव : a heavy blow with the hand or a hard object; influence or power, especially in politics or business

Synonyms: blow, punch, thump, influence, authority

Example Sentence: Few companies have the clout to handle such large deals.

2. Conspicuous (Adjective) : विशिष्ट : clearly visible; attracting notice or attention

Synonyms: obvious, clear, plain, evident

Antonyms: invisible, unnoticeable, hidden

Example Sentence: The bank robber made the mistake of trying to escape in a conspicuous orange car.

3. Resplendent (Adjective) : उत्कृष्ट : attractive and impressive through being richly colorful or sumptuous

Synonyms: splendid, magnificent, brilliant

Antonyms: unappealing, unappetizing, unpleasant

Example Sentence: She looked resplendent in her green evening gown.

4. Extenuating (Verb) : कम करना : (of a factor or situation) serving to lessen the seriousness of an offense.

Synonyms: excuse, mitigate, palliate

Example Sentence: Even the fact that you once helped to save my life could not extenuate your offense.

5. Testament (Noun) : प्रमाण: something presented in support of the truth or accuracy of a claim

Synonyms: proof, testimony, evidence

Antonyms: rebuttal, refutation, presumption

Example Sentence: The monument is a worthy testament to the courage of the men who fought in the war.

6. Aforementioned (Adjective) : पूर्वकथित: denoting a thing or person previously mentioned.

Synonyms: aforesaid, foregoing, forenamed

Antonyms: following, subsequent, succeeding

Example Sentence:Based on the aforementioned restaurant’s low health department score, I will not be dining there again.

7. Conflagration (Noun) : आग an extensive fire that destroys a great deal of land or property.

Synonyms: fire, blaze, flames

Example Sentence:A conflagration in 1947 reduced 90 percent of the houses to ashes.

8. Mercenary (Adjective) : लालच : having or marked by an eager and often selfish desire, especially for material possessions

Synonyms: greedy, avaricious, acquisitive

Antonyms: altruistic, charitable, liberal

Example Sentence: She’s interested in him for purely mercenary reasons.

9. Pluck (Noun) : साहस : spirited and determined courage

Synonyms: courage, bravery, daring

Antonyms: timidity, cowardice

Example Sentence: She showed a lot of pluck in dealing with the intruders.

10. Neoteric (Adjective) : हाल में हु: new or modern; recent

Synonyms: latest, modern, recent

Antonyms: old, oldfangled

Example Sentence: Along with the socialization of neoteric industry, the movement in the field of economy gets extremely frequent and complicated.


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