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The Vocab Master For All Competitive Exams | 29-01-2025

Swati Mahendra's

1. Propel (Verb) : ढकेलना: to push or move something somewhere, often with a lot of force

Synonyms: push, shove, thrust, drive, move

Antonyms: restrain, contain, control, constrain, curb

Example Sentence: One of our students was unable to propel her wheelchair up the ramp.

2. Fillip (Noun) : प्रोत्साहन: something that causes a sudden improvement

 stimulus, impetus, spur, boost, encouragement

Antonyms: curb, deaden, discourage

Example Sentence: The infrastructure projects unveiled yesterday were not unexpected, but will give a welcome fillip to the construction sector.

3. Viability (Noun) : व्यावहारिकता: the ability to work successfully

 feasibility, potentiality, possibility, credibility

Antonyms: improbability, unlikelihood, doubtfulness

Example Sentence: Rising costs are threatening the viability of many businesses.

4. Photovoltaic (Noun): relating to the production of electric current at the junction of two substances exposed to light

photoelectric, solar and voltaic.

Example Sentence: Hoffman Electronics produced photovoltaic cells that were 9 percent efficient, and then the following year those cells were used to power Vanguard I, the first satellite to use PV technology for power.

5. Coup (Noun) : तख्तापलट: a sudden illegal, often violent, taking of government power, especially by part of an army; an instance of successfully achieving something difficult

 upheaval, unrest, success, accomplishment

Example Sentence: It was a tremendous coup for the local paper to get an exclusive interview with Prince Charles.

6. Mutiny (Noun): बगावत: an open rebellion against the proper authorities, especially by soldiers or sailors against their officers

 revolt, insurrection, uprising, rebellion, revolution,

Antonyms: peace, subservience, compliance

Example Sentence: Dissatisfied voters will mutiny against the current president by voting for whoever runs against him in the next election.

7. Oodles (Noun) : अधिक संख्या : a very great number or amount of something.

 abundance, basketful, a boatload

bit, little

Example Sentence: They’ve got oodles of money.

8. Hollering (Verb) : चिल्लाना: (of a person) give a loud shout or cry

 shout, yell, cry

Antonyms: mumbling, murmuring, whispering

Example Sentence: Hollering at me isn’t going to find us a parking place.

9. Manifest (Verb): प्रकट: to show something clearly, through signs or actions; obvious

evident, apparent

Antonyms: hidden, conceal

Example Sentence: The student continues to manifest their eagerness to learn.

10. Indiscreet (Adjective) : अविवेकी: not careful or polite in what you say or do

 unwise, imprudent

Antonyms: discreet, decorous

Example Sentence: Don't tell her any secrets; she's so indiscreet


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