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The Vocab Master For All Competitive Exams | 16-01-2024

Mahendra Guru


Meaning: A person who has escaped from captivity or is in hiding, especially from the law.

Synonyms: runaway, escapee, refugee, absconder

Antonyms: captive, prisoner, detainee

Sentence: The fugitive managed to elude the authorities for weeks before being apprehended.

2. NOTORIOUS (Adjective)

Meaning: Famous or well-known, typically for some bad quality or deed.

Synonyms: Infamous, renowned

Antonyms: Unknown, obscure, inconspicuous

Sentence: The bank robber became notorious for his daring heists and clever escapes.


Meaning: Investigators or detectives who carefully and thoroughly examine details, often to solve a mystery or crime.

Synonyms: Detectives, investigators, gumshoes, private eyes

Antonyms: Culprit, suspect

Sentence: The group of seasoned sleuths gathered in the dimly lit room, surrounded by maps, photographs, and documents, ready to unravel the mystery that had baffled the local police for months.

4. LATENT (Adjective)

Meaning: Present but not visible, apparent, or active; concealed or dormant..

Synonyms: concealed, potential, undeveloped

Antonyms: Evident, active, manifest

Sentence: The scientist discovered a latent ability in the plant species that allowed it to survive in extreme conditions, a trait previously hidden from researchers.


Meaning: A person who holds extreme or radical views, especially in politics or religion, and is often associated with advocating for drastic measures or actions.

Synonyms: Radical, fanatic, zealot, militant

Antonyms: Moderate, centrist, moderate, mainstream

Sentence: The government implemented strict measures to monitor and counteract extremist activities, aiming to maintain stability and protect the nation from potential threats.

6. BLASPHEMOUS (Adjective)

Meaning: Showing disrespect or contempt towards sacred or religious beliefs, practices, or things; irreverent.

Synonyms: Irreverent, sacrilegious, profane, impious.

Antonyms: Respectful, reverent, pious

Sentence: His blasphemous remarks about the religious figure caused a great deal of controversy and outrage.

7. BARBARIC (Adjective)

Meaning: Savagely cruel, brutal, or primitive, often associated with uncivilized or uncultured behavior.

Synonyms: inhumane, cruel, ruthless.

Antonyms: Civilized, humane, cultured, refined

Sentence: The barbaric treatment of prisoners shocked the international community and sparked calls for intervention.


Meaning: Expressing sorrow, regret, or pity in a mournful or remorseful manner.

Synonyms: mournfully, sadly

Antonyms: Cheerfully, happily

Sentence: She looked ruefully at the damaged painting, realizing that it could never be fully restored.


Meaning: A reward or payment, often offered as an incentive or encouragement.

Synonyms: Reward, prize, premium, bonus

Antonyms: Penalty, fine, forfeiture.

Sentence: The government announced a bounty for information leading to the capture of the elusive criminal.


Meaning: To provide a place of shelter or refuge for ships

Synonyms: protect, harbor, provide refuge

Antonyms: Expose, abandon, cast adrift

Sentence: As the sun set, the harbor came alive with the lights of the anchored boats, creating a picturesque scene of tranquility and safety.


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