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The Vocab Master For All Competitive Exams | 29-08-2023

Swati Mahendras


1-FURORE : Noun: A state of intense excitement, anger, or controversy

Synonyms: Outrage, Uproar

Antonyms: Calmness

Sentence: The sudden increase in prices of essential goods led to a furore among consumers, prompting calls for government intervention.

2-VEXATIOUS : Adjective: Causing annoyance, frustration, or distress, often persistently or repeatedly.

Synonyms: Annoying, Irritating

Antonyms: Pleasant

Sentence: Dealing with the faulty internet connection on a daily basis was a vexatious issue for remote workers.

3-EXPULSIO: Noun: The act of forcing someone to leave a place, organization, or group, often as a disciplinary action.

Synonyms: Ejection, Eviction

Antonyms: Admission

Sentence: The company announced the expulsion of the employee who was found guilty of leaking confidential information.

4-ASTOUNDING: Adjective: Extremely surprising or shocking

Synonyms: Incredible, Stunning

Antonyms: Mundane, Expected

Sentence: The transformation of the old, dilapidated building into a luxurious hotel was nothing short of astounding.

5-SIPHONED: The unauthorized or secret transfer of funds or resources.

Synonyms: Funneled, Extracted

Antonyms: Replenished, Poured

Sentence: The hackers managed to siphon confidential data from the company's database, leading to a major security breach.

6-MISCREANT : Noun: A person who behaves badly or engages in immoral or criminal activities; a wrongdoer or villain.

Synonyms: Delinquent, Outlaw

Antonyms: Philanthropist

Sentence: The detective worked tirelessly to uncover the miscreant behind the corporate fraud scheme that had drained millions from the company's accounts.

7-EVINCE: Verb: Showed or demonstrated a quality, emotion, or characteristic clearly and convincingly.

Synonyms: Manifest, Reveal

Antonyms: Mask, Suppress

Sentence: The success of the company was evinced by its exponential growth and expansion into international markets.

8-WEATHERED: Verb and Adjective: Survived or endured, Altered or changed due to exposure. 

Synonyms: Overcome, Faded

Antonyms: Succumbed, Pristine

Sentence: Despite facing numerous challenges, the small business weathered the storm and eventually became successful. The sailor's weathered face told the story of his years spent at sea, battling the elements.


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