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English Language Quiz For IBPS | RBI | SBI | NABARD | LIC | 29-08-2023

Swati Mahendra's


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Mahendras has started special quizzes for IBPS | RBI | SBI | NABARD | LIC so that you can practice more and more to crack the examination. This IBPS | RBI | SBI | NABARD | LIC Exam special quiz series will mould your preparations in the right direction, and the regular practice of these quizzes will be very helpful in scoring good marks in the Examination. Here we are providing you with the critical question of English Language for the IBPS | RBI | SBI | NABARD | LIC.

Directions (1-10): In the following questions, a part of the sentence (a word or phrase) has been highlighted in bold. Four different ways of writing have been given in the options (1), (2), (3) and (4). Find the correct replacement of the given bold word or phrase. If no improvement is required, mark your answer (5). 

Q.1 Since the HRD was unable to meet the current needs of employees, it went return to the basics to improvise. 

1. Returning with basics 

2. Return with basics 

3. Back with the basics 

4. Back to the basics 

5. No improvement required 

Q.2 Buying just a cell phone and getting a huge discount was in all an attractively fair deal. 

1. All In all 

2. At all 

3. To all 

4. All into all 

5. No improvement required 

Q.3 The cases registered against the most reputed political leaders were no less than a whooping half million. 

1. No fewer than 

2. No lesser than 

3. Lesser than 

4. Not less than 

5. No improvement required 

Q.4 The employees are expected to be much productive as the higher authorities of the organisation. 

1. Productive as 

2. As much productive as 

3. Much productive than 

4. As productive as 

5. No improvement required 

Q.5 While Gaurav was walking along the road, he ran into his schoolmates with whom he had spent most of his childhood. 

1. Run into 

2. Ran in 

3. Ran across 

4. Run across 

5. No improvement required 

Q.6 The liquidity crisis faced by non-banking financial companies (NBFCs) has triggered concerned for property developers. 

1. Concerned to 

2. Concerning to 

3. Concerning for 

4. Concerns for 

5. No improvement required 

Q.7 One of the most useful pieces of advice that I ever received was to stand for the rights of poor and needy. 

1. Stand to 

2. Stand up for 

3. Standing to 

4. Standing up for 

5. No improvement required 

Q.8 Out of numerous career opportunities, he cut down a job in a reputed company as a sales manager. 

1. Cut down for 

2. Cut out 

3. Cut out for 

4. Cut down at 

5. No improvement required 

Q.9 I tried hard to get out of the ugly memories but my mind constantly ran on the previous conversation. 

1. Run at 

2. Ran over 

3. Ran at 

4. Run over 

5. No improvement required 

Q.10 The cabinet ministers were retaliating with Finance Minister regarding the policy but eventually, thefell in with his ideas. 

1. Run at 

2. Fell with 

3. Fall with 

4. Fell into 

5. No improvement required 

Answers :- 

Q.1 (4) 

Q.2 (1) 

Q.3 (1) 

Q.4 (4) 

Q.5 (5) 

Q.6 (4) 

Q.7 (4) 

Q.8 (3) 

Q.9 (2) 

Q.10 (2)


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