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English Language Quiz For IBPS | RBI | SBI | NABARD | LIC | 27-07-2023

Swati Mahendras


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Mahendras has started special quizzes for IBPS | RBI | SBI | NABARD | LIC so that you can practice more and more to crack the examination. This IBPS | RBI | SBI | NABARD | LIC Exam special quiz series will mold your preparations in the right direction and the regular practice of these quizzes will be very helpful in scoring good marks in the Examination. Here we are providing you the critical question of English Language for the IBPS | RBI | SBI | NABARD | LIC.

Read the following passage and answer the following questions.

India, as the world’s fastest-growing major economy, may well be catching up with the richer economies in terms of absolute size. But economic convergence within the country remains a distant dream as poorer States continue to lag behind the richer ones in economic growth. A report from the rating agency Crisil found that the inter-State disparities have widened in recent years even as the larger economy grows in size and influence on the global stage. Many low-income states have experienced isolated years of strong economic growth above the national average. Bihar, in fact, was the fastest-growing State among the 17 non-special category States evaluated by the report. But they have still failed to bridge their widening gap with the richer states since they have simply not been able to maintain a healthy growth rate over a sustained period of time. Richer states like Gujarat, for instance, have been able to achieve sustained economic growth and increase their gap over other States. The report found that there was a slight, albeit weak, convergence in the per capita income levels of the poorer and richer States between fiscal years, but the trend was reversed in the subsequent years. Between fiscal years, there has been a significant divergence rather than convergence in the economic fortunes of the poorer and richer states. This was the result of richer states continuing to show strong growth while the poorer states fell behind. In fact, only two of the eight low-income states in the past had growth rates above the national average over the next five years. On the other hand, six out of the nine high-income States recorded rates higher than the national average.

What explains the divergence in the economic fortunes of States? The report suggests that, at least during fiscal year, government spending may be what boosted gross domestic product growth in the top-performing states, particularly in Bihar and Andhra Pradesh whose double-digit growth rates have come along with a burgeoning fiscal deficit. The impact of greater spending was that 10 of the 17 States breached the 3% fiscal deficit limit set by the Fiscal Responsibility and Budget Management Act. Many other big-spending states, however, have not managed to achieve growth above the national average. Punjab and Kerala, which are at the bottom of the growth table, are ranked as profligates by the report. This suggests that the size of public spending is probably not what differentiates the richer States from the poorer ones. Other variables like the strength of State-level institutions, as gauged by their ability to uphold the rule of law and create a free, competitive marketplace for businesses to thrive, and the quality of public spending could be crucial determinants of the long-run growth prospects of States.

1. According to the passage, what facts have come to light in the report of Crisil?

A. Polarity within the states has increased.

B. The health of the economy is degrading.

C. The larger economy grows in size and influence on the global stage.

1. Only (A)

2. Only (B)

3. Only (B) and (C)

4. Only (A) and (C)

5. Only (C)

2. Which of the following statements is not true?

1. Many big-spending states have managed to achieve growth above the national average.

2. Strong economic growth has been enjoyed by many low-income states.

3. Bihar is among the non-special states.

4. Maximum number of states out of seventeen states broke the fiscal deficit limit as an impact of greater spending.

5. All of the above.

3. As per the passage, mention the determinants of prolonged growth prospectus.

1. The capability of state-level institutions

2. Creation of a free competitive market place

3. Quality of public spending

4. The ability to endorse the rule of law.

5. All of the above

4. According to the passage, mention the impressions of greater spending.

A. The growth above national average has not been achieved by many states.

B. Major states showed a growth in fiscal deficit.

C. Many states crossed the gap of the limit of fiscal deficit.

1. Only (A)

2. Only (B) and (C)

3. Only (A) and (C)

4. Only (C)

5. All (A), (B) and (C)

5. In the following questions a sentence is given, where four words are given in bold. Choose which of the following pairs has been interchanged and after putting them at their right place the sentence becomes meaningful.

A year which sent all our depressed (A) behind masks left us scrambling (B) to judge whether people are doing OK or are faces (C), attracted to us or deceiving (D) us.

(1) B-C

(2) A-D

(3) C-D

(4) A-C

(5) No change required

6. In the following questions a sentence is given, where four words are given in bold. Choose which of the following pairs has been interchanged and after putting them at their right place the sentence becomes meaningful.

From watching fireworks to consoling (A) a sobbing child, expressions (B) associated with 16 feelings (C) including awe, pain and triumph (D) were used in similar social situations.

(1) B-C

(2) A-D

(3) C-D

(4) A-C

(5) No change required

7. In the following question, a sentence with three highlighted words is given, the words may or may not be appropriate at their places. If the words are not properly placed, choose the correct sequence of them from the given alternatives.

Today, one can (A) take the live traffic situation on mobile phone and (B) assess appropriate decisions to (C) reach on time.

1. ACB

2. CBA

3. BAC

4. ABC

5. No change required

8. In the following question, a sentence with three highlighted words is given, the words may or may not be appropriate at their places. If the words are not properly placed, choose the correct sequence of them from the given alternatives.

Money could be (A) transferred almost (B) instantly to friends, relatives or others by (C) using mobile banking in the smartphone.

1. ACB

2. CBA

3. BCA

4. ABC

5. No change required

9. In the following sentence, three parts i.e. (A), (B) and (C) are given, there can be error(s) in one or more parts of the sentence, you will have to choose the incorrect part(s) of the sentence and mark your answer accordingly. If there is no error, select option (5).

A study involving shooting video games showed that (A)/ lower-skilled or poor-performing males were more hostile towards female competitors(B)/ whereas higher-skilled males was more positive.(C)

01. Only (A)

02. Only (B)

03. Both (A) and (C)

04. Only (C)

05. No Error

10. In the following sentence, three parts i.e. (A), (B) and (C) are given, there can be error(s) in one or more parts of the sentence, you will have to choose the incorrect part(s) of the sentence and mark your answer accordingly. If there is no error, select option (5).

Photographs from the scene showed that the bus was slice (A)/ in half in what the authorities describe as (B)/ a “serious rail accident”. Helicopters took the injured to hospital.(C)

01. Only (A)

02. Both (B) and (C)

03. Both (A) and (B)

04. Only (C)

05. No Error


Q.1 (4) 

Q.2 (1) 

Q.3 (5) 

Q.4 (3) 

Q.5 (4) 

Q.6 (5) 

Q.7 (3) 

Q.8 (5) 

Q.9 (4) 

Q.10 (3)


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