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The Hindu Vocabulary For All Competitive Exams | 22-04-2023

Swati Mahendra's

1. Circumvent (Verb) : to avoid something, especially cleverly or by deceiving

Synonyms: avoid, evade, escape, dodge

Antonyms: confront, face, meet, encounter, tackle

Example Sentence: The burglar tried to find a way to circumvent the alarm system.

2. Catapult(Verb): to launch or propel something or someone

Launch, Fling, Propel

Antonyms: Stop, Halt, Hold, Keep

Example Sentence: The company plans to catapult its sales with a new marketing campaign.

3. Laggard (Adjective) : something that is slow or sluggish in movement or progress (slower than desired or expected)

slow, lagging, pokey, sluggish

Antonyms: prompt, swift, agile, active, rapid

Example Sentence: The company's laggard progress in implementing new technology put them at a disadvantage compared to their competitors.

4. Foment (Verb): भड़काना : instigate or stir up (an undesirable or violent sentiment or course of action)

provoke, incite, trigger

Antonyms: calm, cease, depress, constrain

Example Sentence: Despite popular beliefs, the police are here to keep people calm, not to foment violence.

5.Fickle (Adjective): अस्थिर : changing frequently, especially as regards one’s loyalties, interests, or affection.

Synonyms: capricious, changeable, variable

Antonyms: constant, certain, unchanging

Example Sentence: The weather is so fickle at this time of year.

6. Prudence (Noun) : सावधानी : behavior that is careful and avoids risks

Synonyms: caution, circumspection, care

Antonyms: recklessness, brashness, carelessness

Example Sentence: The captain said we ought to shorten sail anyway, out of common prudence.

7. Crux (Noun) : जड़ / मूल बिंदु : the most important or serious part of a matter, problem, or argument

Synonyms: essence, core, root

Example Sentence: When Jake was asked about his failure to complete the project, he cited an illness as the crux of his problem.

8. Poltroonery (Noun): कायरता : a shameful lack of courage in the face of danger

Synonyms: fearfulness, cowardice, cravenness

Antonyms: bravery, courage, daring

Example Sentence: Decried the poltroonery of those politicians who caved in to pressure from the special interests.

9-Acquitted(Verb) : निर्दोष साबित होना : Persons who have been declared not guilty of a crime

Synonyms : Exonerated , Excused

Antonyms : Guilty , Accused

Example Sentence : None of the acquitted received any kind of compensation or redress.

10-Elapsed(Verb) : व्‍यतीत होना : Pass, go by

Synonyms: Ended , Finished

Antonyms : Alive , Existing

Example Sentence : Thirty minutes elapsed before the performance began.


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