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Most Important Critical Reasoning Questions For SSC CGL 2022

Mahendra's Institute


Critical Reasoning Questions For SSC CGL 2022

Critical Reasoning questions are asked in various competitive exams like SSC, Railways, SBI, RRB, RBI, NABARD, etc. The level of reasoning questions in these exams is higher than normal questions. But by mastering these questions, you can easily score upto 5 marks in less than 50 seconds. 

To master critical reasoning, one must need to clear the concepts and practice a lot of questions. In this article, we'll provide you with some of the most important critical reasoning questions so you can practice and solve them confidently in the exam.

Critical Reasoning Questions For SSC CGL Exam 

Q1. A private taxi company charges a fixed charge along with a per kilometer charge based on the distance covered. For a journey of 24 km, the charges paid are ₹368 and for a journey of 32 km, the charges paid are ₹464. How much will a person have to pay for travelling a distance of 15 km?


A. Rs. 180

B. Rs. 280

C. Rs. 290

D. Rs. 260

Q2. The given Venn diagram represents results of a class of students: The triangle represents students who scored 85% and above in Math, the circle represents students who scored 85% and above in English, the rectangle represents students who scored 85% and above in Science, and the square represents students who scored 85% and above in Social Sciences. The numbers given in the diagram represent the number of students in that particular category.


How many students scored 85% and above in all the subjects?


A. 15

B. 11

C. 5

D. 17

Q3. Select the correct mirror image of the given figure when a mirror is placed on the right side of the figure.

Q4. Select the figure that can replace the question mark (?) in the following series.

Q5. Read the given statements and conclusions carefully. Assuming that the information given in the statements is true, even if it appears to be at variance with commonly known facts, decide which of the given conclusions logically follow (s) from the statements.


1. Some cars are buses.

2. Some buses are trucks.

3. Some trucks are scooters.


I. Some cars are scooters.

II. Some trucks are buses.

III. Some scooters are buses.

IV. All scooters are trucks.

A. All the conclusions follow.

B. Only conclusions II and IV follow.

C. Only conclusions I and II follow.

D. Only conclusion II follows.

Q6. Select the set of letters that when sequentially placed in the blanks of the given letter series will complete the series.



A. q, r, p, p, r, q

B. q, r, p, s, r, q

C. r, p, q, s, r, q

D. p, r, p, s, r, p

Q7. Four number-pairs have been given, out of which three are alike in some manner and one is different. Select the number-pair that is different.

A. 25/41 : 8

B. 16/20 : 6

C. 30/51 : 9

D. 4/5 : 3

Q8. In a certain code language, CIRCULAR is coded as 24-3-9-24-1-15-5-9. How will VERTICAL be coded as in that language?


A. 22-4-9-7-3-23-1-15

B. 5-4-9-7-3-24-5-15

C. 22-4-9-7-9-24-5-15

D. 5-2-9-7-3-24-5-15

Q9. In a certain code language, 'CREATION' is written as RCAEITNO. How will 'SEQUENCE' be written as in that language?






Q10. Select the option figure in which the given figure is embedded (rotation is NOT allowed).

Q11. The sequence of folding a piece of paper and the manner in which the folded paper has been cut is shown in the following figures. How would this paper look when unfolded?

Q12. Four letter-clusters have been given, out of which three are alike in some manner, while one is different. Select the odd letter-cluster.





Q13. Select the number that can replace the question mark (?) in the following series.

17, 19, 22, 27, 34, 45, 58, ?


A. 67

B. 73

C. 75

D. 78


Solution 1. Ans. (D)

Charge for 24 km = 368

Charge for 32 km = 464

Difference in km = 32 - 24 = 8 km

Charge for 8 km = 464 - 368 = 96

Charge for 1 km = 96/8 = Rs. 12

Fixed charge = 368 - 12 24 = 368 - 288 = 80

Charge for 15 km = 80 + 12 15 = 80 + 180 = Rs.260

Solution 2. Ans (3)

Solution 3. Ans (2)

Solution 4. Ans (4)

Solution 5. Ans (4)

Solution 6. Ans (2)


Solution 7. Ans (1)


Solution 8. Ans (2)

A= 5, E =4, I = 3, O = 2, U = 1

C = X = 24

I = 3

R = I = 9

C = X = 24

U = 1

L = O = 15

A = 5

R = I = 9


V = E = 5

E = 4

R = I = 9

T = G = 7

I = R = 18

C = X = 24

A = 5

L = O = 15

VERTICAL is coded as 5-4-9-7-18-24-5-15

Solution 9. Ans (1)

Solution 10. Ans (4)

Solution 11. Ans (2)

Solution 12. Ans (4)

S + 3 = V + 3 = Y

X + 3 = A + 3 = D

F + 3 = I + 2 = K

N + 3 = Q + 3 = T

Solution 13. Ans (3)

17 + 2 = 19

19 + 3 = 22

22 + 5 = 27

27 + 7 = 34

34 + 11 = 45

45 + 13 = 58

58 + 17 = 75


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