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The Hindu Vocabulary For All Competitive Exams | 30-12-2021

Swati Mahendra's

1.REQUISITE (ADJECTIVE): (आवश्यक): necessary

Synonyms: required, prerequisite

Antonyms: optional

Example Sentence:

The application will not be processed until the requisite fee is paid.

2. INEVITABLE (ADJECTIVE): (अपरिहार्य): unavoidable

Synonyms: inescapable, inexorable

Antonyms: avoidable

Example Sentence:

Jessica drew out the inevitable by taking her time to select her food.

3.OSTRACISE (VERB): (अलग करना): exclude

Synonyms: shun, spurn

Antonyms: welcome

Example Sentence:

She was declared a witch and ostracized by the villagers.

4.CREDIBILITY (NOUN) (विश्वसनीयता): plausibility

Synonyms: believability, acceptability

Antonyms: implausibility

Example Sentence:

The book's anecdotes have scant regard for credibility.

5. ALLY (VERB): (जोड़ना): combine

Synonyms: marry, couple

Antonyms: split

Example Sentence:

He allied his racing experience with his father's business acumen.

6.FERVENT (ADJECTIVE): (उत्कट): impassioned

Synonyms: passionate, intense

Antonyms: apathetic

Example Sentence:

I am a fervent supporter of the revolution.

7.MARGINAL (ADJECTIVE): (थोड़ा): slight

Synonyms: small, tiny

Antonyms: vast

Example Sentence:

It seems to make just marginal difference.

8.WHITTLE (VERB): (काटना): erode

Synonyms: wear away, eat away

Antonyms: increase

Example Sentence:

The list of five was whittled down to two.

9.RADICAL (ADJECTIVE): (पूर्ण): thorough

Synonyms: thoroughgoing, complete

Antonyms: superficial

Example Sentence:

A radical overhaul of the existing regulatory framework is needed.

10.MOUNT (VERB): (चढ़ना): go up

Synonyms: ascend, climb

Antonyms: descend

Example Sentence:

He mounted the steps.

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