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English Language Quiz For SBI Clerk / RBI Assistant | 09-02-2020

Swati Mahendras
English Language Quiz For SBI Clerk / RBI Assistant | 07-02-2020

Dear Readers,
Mahendras has started special quizzes for SBI Clerk / RBI Assistant examination so that you can practice more and more to crack the examination. This SBI Clerk / RBI Assistant special quiz series will mold your preparations in the right direction and the regular practice of these quizzes will be really very helpful in scoring good marks in the Examination. Here we are providing you important question of English Language for SBI Clerk / RBI Assistant 2020 Exam.

1. In the following question, two sentences A and B with an incomplete word are given. First try to complete the word and then choose the option(s) which best express(es) the meaning of the incomplete word.

A. If his pacifist views had been the p_e_omi_a_t ones, at certain times, life would be very different now.

B. In my judgement, admittedly from a very narrow perspective, it is anger which is the p_e_omi_a_t emotion.

(1) Perforce

(2) Descendant

(3) Paramount

(4) Superior

(5) Both (3) and (4)

2. In the following question, two sentences A and B with an incomplete word are given. First try to complete the word and then choose the option(s) which best express(es) the meaning of the incomplete word.

A. Democracy will make its last fall into the o_liv_o_ of an Imperial corporate state bent on world destruction.

B. I began to count the ways in which I enjoy unearned skin privilege and have been conditioned into o_liv_o_ about it existence.

(1) Vigilance

(2) Pardon

(3) Insensibility 

(4) Vice

(5) Apprised

3. In the following question, two sentences A and B with an incomplete word are given. First try to complete the word and then choose the option(s) which best express(es) the meaning of the incomplete word.

A. A human being is on the verge of p_n_t_n_e when he realizes the number of vices he has.

B. It seems he has gone so far in sin and decadence that no p_n_t_n_e can be adequate.

(1) Reproach

(2) Contrite

(3) Repentance

(4) Remorse

(5) Both (3) and (4)

4. In the following question, a sentence with two highlighted words has been given. Choose the option which contains synonym of the first word and the antonym of the second word respectively.

Several aspects place the country in the unenviable position of having to reconcile conflicting imperative matters, along with a declared programme of scaling up electricity from renewable sources.

A. coveted, indispensable

B. palpable, harmonized

C. nasty, trivial

(1) Only A

(2) Only B

(3) Both A and C

(4) Only C

(5) Both B and C

5. In the following question, a sentence with two highlighted words has been given. Choose the option which contains synonym of the first word and the antonym of the second word respectively.

The collective intellect and prowess of a society can be gauged by the art it appreciates and emboldens.

A. measured, embodies

B. ascertained, demarcates

C. entwined, uplifts

(1) Only A

(2) Only B

(3) Both A and C

(4) Only C

(5) Both B and C

6. Out of the given sentences, choose the sentence which is grammatically correct. If all the sentences are incorrect, mark your answer as (5).

(1) As the ruling party refused to hand at power, the election fails.

(2) Owing to the ruling party refuses to hand down power, the election failed.

(3) Because of the ruling party refused to hand on power, the election failed.

(4) Since the ruling party refused to hand over power, the election failed.

(5) All are incorrect.

7. Out of the given sentences, choose the sentence which is grammatically correct. If all the sentences are incorrect, mark your answer as (5).

(1) The Houston gather of Indian diaspora was a resound success in meeting its stated and implied objectives.

(2) The Houston gathering of the Indian diaspora was a resounding success in meeting their stated and implied objectives.

(3) The Houston gathering of the Indian diaspora was a resounding success in meeting its stated and implied objectives.

(4) The Houston gather of Indian diaspora was a resound success in meeting their stated and implied objectives.

(5) All are incorrect.

8. Out of the given sentences, choose the sentence which is grammatically correct. If all the sentences are incorrect, mark your answer as (5).

(1) The patient died of shock due to consequence to poor executed treatment provided to him.

(2) The patient died by shock as a consequence of poorly executed treatment provided to him.

(3) The patient died from shock as consequence of poor executed treatment provided to him.

(4) The patient died of shock as a consequence of poorly executed treatment provided to him.

(5) All are incorrect.

9. Arrange the following phrases to make a meaningful sentence and answer the question that follows.

A. due to still prevailing differences over the comprehensive

B. the bilateral relationship between India and the US

C. free trade agreement which has been shelved and will now be signed later

D. has deteriorated under the administration of the new president

What is the correct rearrangement of the given phrases?

(1) ABDC

(2) ACBD

(3) BCAD

(4) BDAC

(5) CBDA

10. Arrange the following phrases to make a meaningful sentence and answer the question that follows.

A. regulatory aspects of the indirect tax has had its hands full

B. legislation adopting a single countrywide goods and services

C. ever since the Centre and the States passed the landmark

D. tax, the federal council that is tasked with overseeing all the

The place of which of the following sentences would remain unchanged after the rearrangement?

(1) A

(2) B

(3) C

(4) D

(5) None


1. (4)  Predominant (adj.) – having or exerting control or power; superior.

For other options-

Descendant (n) – a person, plant, or animal that is descended from a particular ancestor.

Paramount (adj.) – more important than anything else.

Perforce (adverb) – inevitably

2. (3)  Oblivion (n) – the state of being unaware or unconscious of what is happening around one.

For other options-

Pardon (n) – the action of forgiving or being forgiven for an error or offence.

Apprise (v) – inform or tell (someone).

3. (5)  Penitence (n) – the action of feeling or showing sorrow and regret for having done wrong; repentance; remorse.

For other options-

Contrite (adj.) – feeling/expressing remorse at the recognition that one has done wrong.

Reproach (n) – the expression of disapproval or disappointment.

4. (4)  Nasty (adj.) – disagreeable

Trivial (adj.) – unimportant

For other options-

Indispensable (adj.) – absolutely necessary

5. (2)  Gauge (v) – estimate or determine the amount, level, or volume of; ascertain.

Embolden (v) – encourage

Demarcate (v) – discourage

For other options-

Entwine (v) – wind or twist together; interweave.

6. (4) Since (specifying the reason) the ruling party refused to hand over (pass responsibility to someone else) power, the election failed (V2 will be used as the sentence is in simple past tense).

7. (3)  –The Houston gathering (gather is used as a gerund here) of the (definite article has been used to specify those who have collected) Indian diaspora (n – the dispersion or spread of any people from their original homeland) was a resounding (used as an adjective here to qualify the noun) success in meeting its (referring to gathering which is considered singular) stated and implied objectives.

8. (4)  The patient died of (die takes ‘of’ with it in case of disease and shock) shock as a consequence (as a result of something) of poorly (adverb to qualify the adjective) executed (it is functioning like an adjective here to qualify the noun) treatment provided to him.

9. (4) The correct rearrangement is BDAC.

10. (2) The correct rearrangement is CBDA.


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