1. KNOTTY (ADJECTIVE): troublesome (कठिन)
Synonyms: mystifying, puzzling
Antonyms: facile, uncomplicated
Example Sentence:
2. FLEDGLING (ADJECTIVE): emerging (उभरती हुई)
Synonyms: emergent, beginning
Antonyms: multiskillled, unfledged
Example Sentence:
The P.M talked about fledgling industries in the developing world.
3. SECEDE (VERB): pull away (अलग हो जाना)
Synonyms: split from, retract
Antonyms: remain, maintain
Example Sentence:
The kingdom of Belgium seceded from the Netherland.
4. DISCOURSE (NOUN): dialogue (संभाषण)
Synonyms: conversation, discussion
Antonyms: silence, reticence
Example Sentence:
They better understand the language of political discourse.
5. INTONATED (ADJECTIVE): spoken (आवाज से जोर देना)
Synonyms: choral, verbal
Antonyms: modest, introverted
Example Sentence:
Her intonated please was filled with sheer remorse.
6. DEFAULT (NOUN): failure (चूक)
Synonyms: delinquency, dereliction
Synonyms: delinquency, dereliction
Antonyms: perfection, strength
Example Sentence:
We have been able to track the default and will crackdown on the defaulters soon.
7. REGULATION (NOUN): management (नियंत्रण)
Synonyms: moderation, supervision
Example Sentence:
We have been able to track the default and will crackdown on the defaulters soon.
7. REGULATION (NOUN): management (नियंत्रण)
Synonyms: moderation, supervision
Antonyms: deregulation, mismanagement
Example Sentence:
We need proper regulations in place to get the best out of the team.
8. RESHUFFLE (VERB): reorganize (अदला-बदली)
Synonyms: reorient, rejuvenate
Example Sentence:
We need proper regulations in place to get the best out of the team.
8. RESHUFFLE (VERB): reorganize (अदला-बदली)
Synonyms: reorient, rejuvenate
Antonyms: damage, raze
Example Sentence:
We are going to reshuffle the top management of the company.
9. ESCALATE (VERB): increase (तीव्र करना)
Synonyms: magnify, broaden
Antonyms: shrink, weaken
Example Sentence:
She mixed some wrong chemical which initially escalated the reaction.
10. STIR (NOUN): agitation (बेचैनी)
Synonyms: whirlwind, commotion
Example Sentence:
We are going to reshuffle the top management of the company.
9. ESCALATE (VERB): increase (तीव्र करना)
Synonyms: magnify, broaden
Antonyms: shrink, weaken
Example Sentence:
She mixed some wrong chemical which initially escalated the reaction.
10. STIR (NOUN): agitation (बेचैनी)
Synonyms: whirlwind, commotion
Antonyms: peace, harmony
Example Sentence:
Their walkout from the assembly caused quite a stir.
Example Sentence:
Their walkout from the assembly caused quite a stir.
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